Week of 12/6/2010

After a long hiatus, Gator Bites is back.  I hope the new format will make the most out of existing information as opposed to duplicating what's already out there. 

Couple of other reminders:
  • If you're participating in the Secret Santa program this year, don't forget that the giving starts on Monday the 13th and that Wednesday is "white elephant day!"  This is your chance to get rid of pass on that extra tacky something that's been taking up room in your closet! Should be fun!
  • Also, our annual holiday party at Robin's is THIS Friday beginning at 6:00pm.  See Robin's invite for more details. 
Additionally: a note or two about Web 2.Grove.   Just like last year, I continue to post new "tech tools" on the side bar of this blog.  In the spring, Laurie and I will probably conduct another  Web 2.Grove staff development - giving you the chance to work with one or two of these resources and then use them in your classes for tech credit. (Surprise, Laurie!)  In the meantime, please keep in mind that some of the resources we talked about last year have changed their registration policies and now may require that students be 13 in order to use them.  As the new NHCS AUP for staff indicates, we absolutely cannot have students lie about their ages in order to sign up for these accounts.  Whether we agree with the policy or not, we must uphold it as federal funding is tied to compliance with the laws that shape our AUPs. That said, just because students can't use some of the cool things we talked about last year a) you still can and b) there are plenty of new tech tools out there to keep them busy.  Trust me!  So... to that end, I'll be redesigning the Web 2.Grove website such that it indicates which resources can only be used by teachers and those which can be used by both.  Until then, we need to use common sense and TEST each resource by setting up our own accounts before we allow students to do so.  If the resource asks us how old we are in the sign up process, chances are, it will deny accounts to those who are under 13.  In the end, it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

Finally, believe it or not, the "calendar" below is a lot easier for me to make than the ones I have been doing.  And since there hasn't been a massive outcry from folks missing the other calendar over the last few weeks, I'm going to try this format for awhile.  Just click the links to the side to see all the info you need for the week.  I hope it proves helpful.

Happy Monday, Everyone!

Week of 10/25/2010

The MGMS SIT plan is posted on the school's webpage.  Be sure to take a look at it and email any questions/comments to your SIT rep, LaGarde or to Robin before Wednesday's SIT meeting.  You may also want to make plans to attend this week's SIT meeting if you want to be a part of the discussion that will result in either approving or modifying the plan prior to its final approval.

To print calendar:  right-click on imagine and select "print picture."

Week of 10/18


Please check for the following:
  • improper extension cords, cords being walked over and cords that are overloaded.  
  • No surge protectors plugged into other surge protectors.
  • Nothing hanging from ceiling.
  • All chemicals should be properly stored.
  • Doorways should not be blocked or cluttered (even doors adjoining other rooms.)
  • Door windows should have access to see room (at least 50% of window).
  • Remove all paper from doors.
  • No curtains of any kind -- including plastic shower curtains!
  • Please check your fire extinguisher for me and let me know if it needs to be serviced so I can get a workorder in before they get here.  Not every room will have a fire extinguisher. 
  • We need to make sure the opening windows are not blocked with stuff in the window sill.  This should remain clear in case an emergency exit through the windows should ever be necessary.

Week of 10/11/2010

Big thanks to everyone who helped promote our first "wear pink day" in support of breast cancer awareness.  As Nicole mentioned in her follow up email: overall, thanks to your efforts, we were able to donate almost $700 to the Susan G. Komen center for breast cancer research.  Additionally, almost $300 went to Lee National Denim Day!! $1,000 in one day is really pretty amazing!  Super kudos to everyone involved!

I added some pictures of teachers showing their pink pride to our photo stream in the upper left corner of the blog... but I thought I'd welcome our new 8th grade Language Arts teacher, Lynn Blades with a close up this week. :)  Speaking of which, if you missed the story that WECT did on all of Friday's "Wear Pink" activities, you can check it out here! I'm pretty sure the Star News picked up the story as well, but I've yet to see it appear on their website.  Similarly, I sent some pictures into the PR Dept. with NHCS, but they've yet to show up on the home page.  Stay tuned!

Switching gears...

Recently, we've talked a lot recently about the importance of integrating 21st century technologies into content area instruction.  One thing we don't talk a lot about, but that I think is equally important, is the need for our students to be savvy consumers of information.  Just forbidding them from using sites like Wikipedia doesn't teach them how to separate a good source from a less reliable one, which is the kind of skill they really need.  The new Information and Technology Essential Standards mandate that students learn how to evaluate information and be able to discern reliable media from the unreliable and even unscrupulous.  As we integrate new technologies within our instruction and turn kids loose on the internet, we need to make sure they are armed with the skills to make smart, responsible and ethical decisions while out there.  After all, our students are creating digital footprints right now that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

Anyway, check out the video and then let me know if you'd like me to work with your students in regards to online ethics, information evaluation or even on how to conduct a smart internet search, as opposed to just taking your chances on the first link that pops up on Google.  I'd love to come goof around with your kids for awhile.

Finally, I know I promised to update the staff birthdays last week, but...  clearly, I am falling down on the job.  My apologies to all of those October babies who have been forgotten the last two weeks.  I promise to set things right next week.  And this time I really mean it. :)  

And now, here's the calendar! (PS: Don't forget to check out the 21st Century Resource on the side bar!) Happy weekend, everyone!

Week of 10/4/2010

Each week, NHCS compiles and then a sends a list of upcoming events in the school system to all of our local media outlets (print, radio, tv, etc.) as well as to members of the school board.  This publication is known as the "Good News Report."  If you're doing something cool with your students like having a guest speaker or organizing a performance or anything you'd be willing to share with the rest of the world, please let me know. (Things like the artist who recently visited Mrs. Spencer's art classes or the upcoming fund-raising event with Bangz hair salon are great examples!) I send this report in for our school every week - and with all the great stuff we've got going on at the Grove, there's no reason why we all shouldn't be ready for our collective closeups!

In other news, please be on the lookout for a Nook Proposal Form to be disseminated in the next week or so.  This form will help us purchase content for our new eReaders.   Thanks so much to our generous PTSA, we now have covers for these new devices.  And thanks to Eric Ludwig, we also have an (almost) new locking, rolling cart to put them in.  And finally, thanks to Robin for coming up with some money to purchase content.  Woo Hoo! All we need now is your ideas.  So... be thinking of how you'd like to use these gadgets with your kids and keep your eyes peeled for the form which will be emailed to you soon! 

Finally, this video is related to this week's 21st Century Resource.  The student who created the video uses the resources that I've linked to/reviewed on the left.  However, the video also contains a powerful lesson regarding the role of technology in our students' lives.  It's been said, and rightfully so, that no technology can replace a great teacher. However, it's also true that our students are growing up in a digital world and there's no limit to what a great teacher can do when they embrace the technologies that are at the center of our students' world.  Anyway, check out the video and then check out the resource.

Have a great weekend, everyone! 

PS:  For those of you who are using Wordle, here's an interesting link with lots of suggested uses for this great resource.

To print calendar:  right click on image then select "print picture."

Week of 9/27

Baby Gator Martin
 First, BIG, BIG congrats to Katie and Sam Martin on the birth of their son Sam  Jr. on 9/17.  It's a thrill to welcome another little one to our Gator Family.  Congrats, guys!

Secondly, thanks so much to everyone who helped out at the Mockingjay party - it was so much fun, I'm thinking it's going to be the first of many book related costume parties. The fact that we made enough money for a Smartboard for the library is just icing on the cake. I've added lots of pictures to our photostream, in case you need a good chuckle.  

Next, please don't forget about tomorrow's Nook training at Barnes and Noble.  They provide breakfast, coffee, lots of great info AND if you sign up in schoollink you'll get CEU credit in READING.  But best of all, because it doesn't start until 9:00am, you'll still be able to cheer on our very own triathletes Dana Harrison and Lori Drake who will be running, swimming and biking at  the 32nd Annual YMCA Triathlon. This race starts out with a 1,500 meter swim, the bike course is one loop that takes participants over the Wrightsville Beach drawbridge and onto the mainland and the 5K run around the Wrightsville Beach Loop.  Wow.  Good luck, ladies!

Finally, don't forget to check out the great 21st Century -Web 2.Grove - resources located on the sidebar of our blog.  Just like last year, we'll hold a "Web 2.Grove" training for tech credit in the spring and you'll have a chance to earn CEU credit by putting some of these resources to use in your classes.  As always, if you run across a resource that you think is great and that students could benefit from, please send it my way.  I'm always eager to share your great ideas.  Speaking of which... many thanks to our newest tech guru JUDY COOK who told me about THIS great resource.  Admittedly, you do have to purchase a subscription to get full access, but Judy says it's well worth it!  Thanks, Judy!

To print calender:  right click then select "print picture."

Week of 9/13

Happy Friday, everyone!  Here are a couple of other reminders that didn't make the calendar:

Good news for all you Voki users out there!  Voki is going to start offering an AD FREE version of the Voki platform that many of you became addicted to last year. According to the email I received, there may be a "small yearly fee," but that has yet to be implemented.  You can learn more here.

Don't forget about the Baby Shower on Saturday for Katie Martin.  The fun starts at 3:00pm.  See Laurie's email for directions to Sally's.  Katie and Sam are registered at Target and Babies R Us.

Also, if you teach ELL students, be sure to let them know about the FREE adult ESL classes being offered in the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8pm.  This is a GREAT way to improve the overall literacy of our Gator family.

Next, we wanted to air the first GNN on this Tuesday (the 14th) but it looks like we won't be ready until NEXT Tuesday. Sorry - the first episode is always a tough nut to crack. The good news is, though, that this give you more time to submit your baby picture for Guess That Gator!  So far, I've only received one incredibly adorable submission, so dust off those photo albums, people!  We're going to need EVERYONE's help to make GTG work this year!

Speaking of pictures, one of the cool things about having a blog (as opposed to a paper newsletter) is the Gator photostream on the sidebar; be sure to check out some cool pics from the recent Watch DOGS dinner.  And, if you get any great Gator factulty pictures that you'd like to share, send them my way.

Finally, if when I goof something up on the Gator Bites (which, I realize, happens way too often) or if  when I've left something off or if you have a reminder of your own, feel free to leave a "comment" under each post.  Keep in mind, I have the blog set up so that I have to approve all comments so that random folks (read: students) don't take over our staff forum. For that reason, I won't approve "anonymous" comments.  However, this is your newsletter, so please feel free to become a part of the discussion.

To print calendar, simply right-click and select "print picture."

Week of 9/6

Baby Gator:  Payton Carter
First things first:  Congrats to Scott and Lauren Carter on their beautiful baby girl.  You're about to begin an amazing adventure. :)

So sorry for the snafu with last week's Gator Bites.  I should have known that just because it worked at home, DOESN'T mean it works at school.  If you scroll down, the video should now work; last week's calendar may or may not depending on your computer.  However, THIS week's calendar *should* be fine.  I am still trying to figure out the ideal format for the online Gator Bites calendar - so I really appreciate your patience as I work out the kinks.

In the meantime, please don't forget to take a look at the side bar.  I've added staff birthdays and some links that I hope will be of some use to you.   The great thing about doing Gator Bites online, is that it can become a centralized place for frequently used resources.  Please don't hesitate to make suggestions if there's something you'd like me to add.  As always, your wish is my command.  :)

Finally, a couple of Media Reminders:

  • Our "Gators Read Everywhere" map is starting to look GREAT!  If you've been encouraging your students to participate:  THANK YOU! 
  • The first book fair of the year is the week of Sept. 13th.  Your teacher preview day will be Monday.  Just like departments, the library received NO money this year, making the book fairs even more important to us than ususal.  PLEASE make sure you come down on Monday to fill out your "teacher wish list" card.  As always, I'll have some chocolate for you to munch on while you pick out some stuff from the book fair.
  • Get your costumes ready! Details regarding the Mockingjay Costume Party can be found here!  I *expect* <insert stern look here> to see many of you there. :)

**Note:  To print, simply right-click on the calendar and select "print picture."

Week of 8/30/2010

lcome to the first ever online edition of Gator Bites.  This new format will allow us to include multimedia (like audio and video as well as photographs and presentations) in each week's newsletter, Plus, it also gives us the chance to discuss the items contained in each week's Gator Bites. Because this is a blog, you'll be able to comment on each week's "21st Century Resource" or let me know when I get your birthday wrong! :)

Don't worry, the calendar is still very easy to print.  However, this format is intended to help us all save paper, so hopefully you'll take advantage of the online version and save a few trees.

Also, don't forget to check out the sidebar to the left.  In addition to the MGMS photographic slideshow, you'll also find a listing of staff birthdays, a weekly tech resource review and a selection of useful links.  

Finally, as the calendar below notes, the short film Finish Strong will be broadcast on Tuesday morning -- Per Robin, all students are expected to watch.  If you weren't at our first staff meeting on the 17th, the video is embedded here for you to preview.  (Does anyone remember which movie from the 80s featured the song The Eye of the Tiger??  Better yet, does anyone remember who sang it??)

And now, here's this week's calendar!

Have a great week, everyone!