Week of 12/6/2010

After a long hiatus, Gator Bites is back.  I hope the new format will make the most out of existing information as opposed to duplicating what's already out there. 

Couple of other reminders:
  • If you're participating in the Secret Santa program this year, don't forget that the giving starts on Monday the 13th and that Wednesday is "white elephant day!"  This is your chance to get rid of pass on that extra tacky something that's been taking up room in your closet! Should be fun!
  • Also, our annual holiday party at Robin's is THIS Friday beginning at 6:00pm.  See Robin's invite for more details. 
Additionally: a note or two about Web 2.Grove.   Just like last year, I continue to post new "tech tools" on the side bar of this blog.  In the spring, Laurie and I will probably conduct another  Web 2.Grove staff development - giving you the chance to work with one or two of these resources and then use them in your classes for tech credit. (Surprise, Laurie!)  In the meantime, please keep in mind that some of the resources we talked about last year have changed their registration policies and now may require that students be 13 in order to use them.  As the new NHCS AUP for staff indicates, we absolutely cannot have students lie about their ages in order to sign up for these accounts.  Whether we agree with the policy or not, we must uphold it as federal funding is tied to compliance with the laws that shape our AUPs. That said, just because students can't use some of the cool things we talked about last year a) you still can and b) there are plenty of new tech tools out there to keep them busy.  Trust me!  So... to that end, I'll be redesigning the Web 2.Grove website such that it indicates which resources can only be used by teachers and those which can be used by both.  Until then, we need to use common sense and TEST each resource by setting up our own accounts before we allow students to do so.  If the resource asks us how old we are in the sign up process, chances are, it will deny accounts to those who are under 13.  In the end, it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

Finally, believe it or not, the "calendar" below is a lot easier for me to make than the ones I have been doing.  And since there hasn't been a massive outcry from folks missing the other calendar over the last few weeks, I'm going to try this format for awhile.  Just click the links to the side to see all the info you need for the week.  I hope it proves helpful.

Happy Monday, Everyone!

Week of 10/25/2010

The MGMS SIT plan is posted on the school's webpage.  Be sure to take a look at it and email any questions/comments to your SIT rep, LaGarde or to Robin before Wednesday's SIT meeting.  You may also want to make plans to attend this week's SIT meeting if you want to be a part of the discussion that will result in either approving or modifying the plan prior to its final approval.

To print calendar:  right-click on imagine and select "print picture."